Agile Testing & BDD eXchange, London, UK, November 8-9 2018

The Agile Testing & BDD eXchange conference is a two-day event focused on all aspects of Agile testing and Behaviour-Driven Development. It provides an environment to learn and network for all Agile developers and software testers.

In the agenda of the Agile Testing & BDD eXchange conference you can find topics like “Establishing Modern QA practices In Lean Startups”, “Spot the Difference: Automating Visual Regression Testing”, “Spot the Difference: Automating Visual Regression Testing”, “Crunching ‘Real-Life Stories’ with DDD Event Storming and Combining it with BDD Techniques”, “Test Automation of Serverless Code”, “The Optimal Test Plan for your project “, “BDD is not about Testing”, “Testable Software Architecture”, “Test Engineering Culture “, “Writing more robust and extensible BDD tests faster with Serenity and the Screenplay Pattern”, “Experts and Examples (or BDD without Given Then When)”, “The Future of Automated Testing”, “How Skyscanner Integrates Automated Penetration Testing into a Continuous Delivery Pipeline using BDD Defined Security Scenarios”, “TDD: That’s not what we meant talk”, “Three Test Automation Horror Stories (and what you can learn from them)”, “Does TDD really lead to good design?”.

Web site for the Agile Testing & BDD eXchange conference: