Tutorials, articles, tools and resources on how to apply functional testing in software testing

Functional Testing Tools Directory

February 6, 2012 0

The Functional Testing Tools Directory presents a list of commercial or open source functional software testing tools like Selenium, Cucumber or JBehave. The web site also proposes pointers to tools reviews or presentations and contains a page of resources associated to functional software testing. Visit http://www.functionaltestingtools.com/

Cucumber with JVM Improvements

January 31, 2012 0

Cucumber-JVM is a pure Java implementation of Cucumber, a software testing tool that support Behavior Driven Development with plain text specifications and unobtrusive automation in Ruby. Cucumber-JVM supports Clojure, Groovy, Java, JavaScript (Rhino interpreter), Python (Jython interpreter), Ruby (JRuby interpreter) and Scala. It is now written in a native Java-API, which compiles down to fast JVM bytecode. It enables many JVM capabilities and makes it even easier to integrate with your Java applications. Note from the Editor: we had the regret to realize after publication that there is no sound on this video. We should have tested this before ;o(

Selenium Simple Test Introduction

January 25, 2012 0

SST or Selenium Simple Test is an open source web test framework that uses Python to generate functional browser-based tests. The tests are made up of scripts, created by composing actions that drive a browser and assert conditions. You enjoy the flexibility of the full Python language, along with a convenient set of functions to simplify web testing, but the commands are simple and flexible enough that the tool can also be used by non-programmers.

Functional Software Testing Tool Selection

December 5, 2011 1

This video explains the basic differences between different flavors of functional software testing tools. It proposes a selection roadmap and identifies the best vendors for each scenario. It provides pricing info and recommendations on negotiations.

Using Robot Framework in Automation of Functional Testing

November 23, 2011 0

Manual testing is a time consuming process. In addition, regression testing, because of its repetitive nature, is error-prone, so automation is highly desirable. Robot Framework is simple, yet powerful and easily extensible tool which utilizes the keyword driven testing approach. Easy to use tabular syntax enables creating test cases in a uniform way. Ability to create reusable high-level keywords from existing keyword ensures easy extensibility and reusability.

Top Tips For Better Selenium Tests

November 21, 2011 0

This video shares experience on how to write better Selenium tests. It contains advice on Implicit waits, ignoring Open and waitForPageToLoad failures, reporting pass/fail status automatically on python.

Functional Testing of a MVVM Silverlight Application with Fitnesse

October 24, 2011 0

This blog post gives a short tutorial on how to deal with the several issues that prevent the use of functional testing tools (e.g. Fitnesse) with a Silverlight project out of the box. A recent experience with a Silverlight application showed that the approach produces a little overhead, but that this overhead is negligible compared to the benefits of automated functional testing involving the ViewModels.

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