Software Testing Blogs: Load Testing, Unit Testing, Functional Testing

Preventing Unit Testing Success

May 20, 2014 0

If unit testing has not always been adopted by software developers, this practice has become more mainstream with Agile approaches. Test-Driven Development and Continuous Integration are two technical approaches that require good unit testing. In this blog post, Maxime Lemaitre discusses attitudes that might make your unit testing fail.

Recognize Professional Software Testers

April 22, 2014 0

What is a professional software tester? In this blog post, Huib Schoots explains that he cannot understand why testers who call themselves professionals know so little about software testing and do not study it. He tries to answer this question and explain the difference between professional testers and testers by profession.

Software Testing at Airbnb

April 7, 2014 0

It is always interesting to get an inside view on the software testing approach of software development teams that work on large or popular applications. In this blog post, Lou Kosak discusses some changes in practices to improve software quality at Airbnb.

Naming Conventions for JUnit

March 24, 2014 0

Finding common naming conventions for software development items (variables, classes, etc.) is a major factor to help people collaborate in software development projects. Finding good names is also good if you work on your own and have to revisit your code some months after you wrote it. In this blog post Frank Appel discusses his experience with naming JUnit tests.

Unit Testing Mistakes

March 4, 2014 0

Unit testing seems to be the most natural way for programmers to test their own code. In this small blog post, Henrik Warne shares some of the issues that people have when they switch from manual testing to a unit testing framework like JUnit.

Using a Debugger or a Log to Find Bugs

February 18, 2014 0

When you have a bug in your software, you cannot always just read the code to find the cause of the bug. Two techniques are used for further investigation: the debugger allow to follow the execution of the code, while writing logs allow write multiple snapshots of contexts. In this article, Henrik Warne explains why you cannot rely only on a debugger to find bugs.

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