Java Software Testing tutorials: unit testing, open source, JUnit, Mockito, TestNG, Spring, JGiven, etc.

Declarative Unit Testing in Java

August 29, 2011 0

In this blog post, Roger Hughes explains how SureAssert, an integrated Java unit testing tool for Eclipse, can help solving the problem of having to change your Java unit tests when you change part of your code. You use annotations to define a set of tests for each of your class’s methods instead of writing unit tests. SureAssert automatically checks the annotations, generate and run unit tests.

Unit Testing for Java EE

August 24, 2011 0

Many developers think that testing Java EE applications is hard, inconvenient or too complex. This has not been true since the inception of Java EE 5 more than five years ago. This article explore how to do efficiently unit testing for Java EE applications.

Testing Databases with JUnit and Hibernate

March 14, 2011 0

This blog post discusses the problem of testing the database code. It describes some of the problems and proposes possible partial solutions to this testing issue based on Hibernate and JUnit.

Unit Testing in Java: Broad Assertion

February 28, 2011 1

Broad assertion cuts out too large a chunk of output and side effects for bit-to-bit comparison, which makes it harmful due to the resulting brittleness. The assertion fails if any small detail changes, regardless of whether that change is relevant to the interests of this particular test. In this article, based on chapter 4 of Unit Testing in Java, author Lasse Koskela explains how to refactor the tests that suffer from broad assertion.

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