Unit Testing and Mocking Tools Directory

December 15, 2011 0

The Unit Testing and Mocking Tools Directory presents a list of unit testing and mocking tools, both open source and commercial, for the main programming languages (Java, .NET, ruby, etc). It contains also a list of resources associated to this topic. Visit http://www.unittestingtools.com/

Mocking Frameworks in .NET

October 27, 2011 2

Dealing with dependencies is the most challenging aspect of test-driven development (TDD). Mocks and stubs are created to isolate the behavior we would like to test. The article “The Art of Mocking” is a good introduction on this topic. Creating all these testing classes by hand can lead to troubles: sometimes developers duplicate these classes and other times the mocks and stubs become more complicated than the code.

Effective Mockito

October 3, 2011 0

Mockito is an open source mocking framework for Java. In this series of blog posts, Holger Staudacher shares his experiences with Mockito. He defines “effective” as arriving at clean test and production code as fast as possible. The first post of Effective Mockito explains how to setup Mockito in the Eclipse IDE for the daily work. The second post focuses on Mockito’s @Mock Annotation.

BDD with Specflow, Moq and Microsoft Unit Testing framework

August 18, 2011 0

This blog post explains how to use Specflow, Moq and Microsoft Unit Testing framework to implement Behavior Driven Development in a .NET context. The author used AAA (Arrange-Act-Assert) and GWT (Given-When-Then) patterns in his code. They are clearly and easily to understand and become standard when you write unit testing and mocking.

Stop Using Mocks

March 24, 2011 0

In this blog post, Karl Seguin explains why we should stop using mocks to reduce coupling and brittleness in our code.

State versus Interaction Testing

January 18, 2011 0

Mocking frameworks allow you to stub out behavior to perform tests of individual pieces of functionality. However, there are times when performing certain actions and assert a result is not sufficient. This video drills deep into unit testing and explains the differences between state and interaction–based testing. We will examine the role of stubs versus mocks and how to correctly write unit tests that are not fragile or counter–productive. Watch this streaming video from the Norwegian Developer Conference 2010

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