Comprehensive Guide to SaaS Products Testing

Software as a Service (SaaS) has become an essential component of enterprises throughout the world as the digital era evolves. The SaaS model, which is expected to generate more than $462 billion in revenue by 2028, distributes applications via the Internet without the need for customers to install or update software.

Author: Deborah Simons

It is critical to recognize the value of rigorous SaaS application testing. That is what allows these systems to remain operating, maintain high-level security, and deliver a perfect, user-centric experience.

Whether you’re new to SaaS testing or want to improve your current tactics, this thorough SaaS testing checklist will give you essential insights.

Comprehensive Guide to SaaS Products Testing

What is SaaS Testing?

SaaS testing is the process of checking SaaS apps’ functioning and determining if they match the stated criteria. It also includes identifying and resolving all potential flaws and mistakes.

SaaS applications can be deployed in the cloud, on-premises, or a combination of the two. Testing methodologies may differ depending on the deployment type used.

In a word, SaaS testing assures that software hosted on the Internet satisfies functional and business objectives and realizes its full potential.

3 Examples of How SaaS Testing Can Help a Business

Media and publishing

Publications strive to increase the number of readers, subscribers, time spent on the site, and the number of views on the site itself and social networks. Netflix viewers enjoy using the service. This is largely because Netflix consistently and systematically tests any change on the site.

For example, Netflix personalizes the main page so that it is convenient for the user to navigate it. Therefore, depending on what he watches and what he likes, the viewer sees certain shows and films on his main page in one order or another. Random decisions are not made.

Call centers and cloud services

SaaS testing will significantly increase the efficiency of call centers by ensuring an optimal operation of software applications used by call center agents. This involves checking for errors in the software, its stability, and compatibility with different gadgets and browsers.

By conducting rigorous SaaS testing, call centers can ensure that their agents have access to reliable and efficient software, which can lead to faster call resolution, increased customer satisfaction, and agent productivity. Also, through testing, potential areas of improvement of the call center software are revealed that may lead to further improvement of the cloud calling performance.


SaaS testing is crucial for improving the average receipt, enhancing the order funnel, and reducing the instances of deserted baskets for online stores. Looking at the strategies, it is rather important to state that Amazon has been an innovator in terms of conversion optimization. It is not only about numbers but also about willingness to provide the customers with a convenient service.

Amazon does not rely on insights but tests every change. The company’s sales funnel is similar to the funnels of other sites, with the only difference being that all elements of the Amazon site are in the best shape and meet the expectations of customers. Any page, starting from the main page and ending with the payment page, contains only important information and professionally leads to the next stage of the sales funnel.

Types of SaaS Application Testing

Functional Testing

Functional testing establishes whether an application performs as expected. It is implemented in a controlled environment by conducting test cases with well-defined test strategies based on the end user requirements and expectations.

Performance Testing

Availability is essential for every SaaS service. It is recommended that the performance of each of the app modules should be tested in parallel to the workflow. Also, testers can evaluate the predicted bandwidth performance in the work process.

Load, stress, and scalability tests also fall under performance testing. To determine an application’s responsiveness, use loads that could be beyond the load expected under typical operating conditions.

Compatibility Testing

One of the most significant benefits of cloud services is that they may be accessed regardless of:

  • Browsers (Internet Explorer, Safari, and Chrome)
  • Platforms
  • Operating Systems (Windows, iOS, and Linux)
  • Mobile gadgets (tablets and smartphones)
  • Hardware versions

The most challenging element is testing a SaaS app’s interoperability with various hardware configurations. There is no ability to test SaaS apps for every potential hardware configuration. To define the testing process, you must consult with a customer.

API Testing

In every SaaS product development, you may encounter several third-party APIs that provide add-on functionalities. As a result, API interface testing is critical to ensuring API documentation’s safety, reliability, high performance, and accessibility.

Infrastructure and Safety Testing

It determines whether your SaaS product or program is safe and secure against common web application security flaws such as cross-site scripting (XSS), cross-site request forgery (CSRF), SQL injection, and so on.

Maintenance Testing

A specific operational crew is in charge of doing maintenance testing. It checks the functionality of apps, customer service, and billing. Teams can use built-in instruments to do such testing.

Comprehensive Guide to SaaS Products Testing

7 Benefits of SaaS Testing

1. Customer Retention

You only have one chance to make a good first impression. If a user downloads your app and finds flaws in it, they are unlikely to ever use it again. This works even if you eliminate these flaws.

Consequently, all the efforts and funds invested in the promotion of the product were wasted. And you will have to start all over again.

2. Customer Satisfaction

As a developer, you have an accurate idea of your product. Naturally, you expect to get exactly the functionality you planned at the end. Thanks to the efforts of QA specialists, your potential customers will have no surprises. The final product will meet the user’s expectations and meet their needs. And this is the shortest way to profit.

3. Cost-effectiveness

QA experts can save your resources. The bottom line is that it is much cheaper to find and fix flaws in the early stages of development than after the release/release of the software. A good QA team can ensure that a defect report is prepared before the product is launched. Their timely correction will help protect the user from the negative experience of getting to know your software, preventing losses.

4. A Positive Image and Increased Brand Confidence

QA specialists help to avoid the potential harm that bad reviews can cause. The truth is that if an app is released with major bugs, bad reviews cannot be avoided. Therefore, we apply various testing methods throughout the development process.

5. Saving the Client’s Time and Mental Strength

If all the flaws are fixed in time, the consumer will not need to restart the application, spend time-fighting bugs, or wait for the application to hang. We believe that our client has every right to a fully functioning application without going beyond the deadline. Since QA specialists are focused on ensuring that the product meets the customer’s expectations, the application will work correctly without harming your already busy schedule and nervous system.

6. No Downtime and Interruptions in Work

Great news for entrepreneurs! When the software bugs are fixed, you can focus on your work instead of waiting for the development team to fix another defect. This saves millions of budgets and makes the business more stable.

7. Suggestions of New Useful Functions

A good QA specialist knows the product from A to Z better than anyone else on the team. Since the tester has both technical knowledge and an understanding of the client’s needs, he forms recommendations on combining the technical capabilities and needs of the client.

This helps the development team to make the app more user-friendly and provide the consumer with a positive experience.

SaaS Testing Challenges

  • Multi-tenancy: SaaS applications can support many users and organizations without having to rely on dedicated physical assets. This suggests that SaaS testing must ensure that the service can handle multiple requests from multiple tenants and at the same time ensure the performance, security, and data integrity of each tenant’s applications.
  • Configurability: SaaS programs allow the users to customize and change various aspects of the application such as properties, behavior, look and feel, and data content. This means that SaaS testing will need to ensure that the app allows each user to configure the app in the way they desire without compromising on the quality.
  • Upgrade Frequency: SaaS systems often need constant updates as well as releases to keep them updated in the market and beneficial for the consumers. That means testing can not be a time-consuming and slow process.
  • Scalability: Software-based services should be scaled due to the increase in the number of people using the SaaS programs and the varying number of requests being made in the program. It can be challenging to test for scalability since this means mimicking typical and varied user scenarios, generating massive amounts of test data, and making sure the application performs and is dependable throughout various loads.
  • Integration: SaaS platforms often involve connections with other applications, software components, features, services, APIs, databases, online services, and cloud solutions. In the process of integration testing, compatibility, functionality, and privacy of links between elements should be considered.

Breaking the Code: Revealing the Secrets of SaaS Product Testing

With the increase in the adoption of SaaS applications and solutions, businesses need to focus on SaaS testing. Implementing the best practices and proper testing tools improves the chances of effective and successful SaaS testing.

About the Author

Deborah Simons is a passionate software testing expert and freelance copywriter. With years of experience in software testing, Jessica actively shares her insights and expertise with the software industry community around the world.