Tutorials, articles, tools and resources on how to apply functional testing in software testing

Open Source Model-Based Testing Tools

October 17, 2022 1

Model-based testing is a software testing approach that is based on models of the system under test and its environment to define, manually or automatically, the test cases.

Self-Healing Automated Tests

January 17, 2022 0

Self-Healing Tests is an approach in which machine learning helps with the maintenance of automated tests. Self-Healing, the automation of test automation, recognizes changes in the “system under test” and automatically adapts the test execution so that the tests remain functional.

Pitfalls and Anti-Patterns of the Test Pyramid

July 14, 2021 0

The test pyramid is a concept invented in 2012 by Martin Fowler and defined as “a way of thinking about how different kinds of automated tests should be used to create a balanced portfolio.” The Test Pyramids is a common way to define and structure your test strategy, to organize the different test techniques, tools, and to manage the test automation effort.

Benefits of Test Automation in Salesforce

November 30, 2020 1

Salesforce is a major software player in the field of customer relationship management (CRM) and customer service software. This article discusses the specific challenges of automated testing for Salesforce applications and provides best practices for implementing test automation in this domain.

Testing Legacy C++ Code with Approval Tests

May 11, 2020 0

You have inherited some legacy C++ code: it is valuable, but it doesn’t have tests, and it wasn’t designed to be testable, so you need to start refactoring. But you can’t refactor safely until the code has tests, and you can’t add tests without refactoring! How can you ever break out of this loop?

What Makes Testing Virtual Reality Software Special

April 20, 2020 0

Virtual Reality (VR) can be defined as the use of computer technology to create a simulated environment. This technology has a lot of applications in gaming, architecture or training services with specific devices. This article shares some tips on how to perform software testing on virtual reality software.

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