Testing Processes: One Size Does Not Fit All

This talk discusses what it looks like to have a constantly evolving test process within a company, how different teams can use the context they are working in to shape their own processes, and how to have multiple teams within a development organization working with different processes and workflows effectively. It covers how we all stay on the same track, how we discuss our successes (and our failures), and how we use individual and team strengths to have an organic, and changing process that still keeps us all moving forward and working together.

“So, what’s your software testing process like at company name here?”. We have all been asked this question. It comes up all the time when you tell someone that you work in testing and who you work for. People want to know what your cookie cutter process is for testing at your company; either out of genuine curiosity, a search to find a fit for their skills or to find issues in it that they think you could solve by changing “just one thing”. What happens when the answer is “we don’t have a software testing process.”? In the software development area, things are changing every single day, and every individual has their own skills and experiences that they bring to the table, so why would we have one specific software testing process for our entire organization?

Video producer: https://www.associationforsoftwaretesting.org/

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