BDD using Cucumber JVM and Groovy

Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) is an Agile practice that aim at merging requirements documentation and software testing. What makes this technique different is that it engages Stakeholders from start to finish of a project. This is done by writing Specifications by Example in collaboration with all Stakeholders.

This presentation uses Cucumber with Groovy to demonstrate how you can apply BDD to your next project. It uses Cucumber in context of both Groovy and Grails applications and demonstrates how to use Gherkin syntax to write clear Scenarios, write Step Definitions in Groovy, then use Geb to interact with a browser. You will learn how to implement the new feature in your Grails application using Spock to test drive your finer grained components. Lastly, it demonstrates the Cucumber Feature running end-to-end. The purpose of this presentation is to encourage others in the Groovy community to embrace testing with BDD, and to write relevant useful applications.

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