Page Objects Done Right

February 23, 2015 0

This talk walks the audience step by step at building tests using the Page Object Design Pattern, making several attempts until we reach the current recommendation. We’ll see the dos, don’ts and common pitfalls. This presentation also covers the Page-Factory Design Pattern, and best practices for dealing with asynchronously and how to remove the deadly “random sleeps”.

Better RSpec Specs

February 17, 2015 0

Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) is an Agile software development process where behavioural specifications are expressed in a specific language that can be validated by a automated testing tool. RSpec is an open source a BDD tool for Ruby programmers. The Better Specs web site aims to collect the best practices about BDD with RSpec.

What Makes a Good Test Suite?

February 12, 2015 0

We all want “better” test suites. But what makes for a good test suite? Certainly, test suites ought to aim for good coverage, at least at the statement coverage level. To be useful, test suites should run quickly enough to provide timely feedback.

How to Write Beautiful JavaScript Tests

February 5, 2015 0

This talk shares some experience with JavaScript tests, and show the most important patterns you can rely on to write simple, beautiful, maintainable and incredibly fast tests.

Why Unit Testing is Not Waste

February 2, 2015 0

Unit testing is always causing some debate about its usefulness in the software development community. Some developers argue that unit tests are a waste of time because they provide few value to assess the quality of the final system and they are difficult to maintain. In his Henrik Warne explains why he thinks that you get a lot of value from unit tests.